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Monday, April 22, 2013

Multiplicity - 2 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

Disappointing considering the cast headed by Michael Keaton and directed by Harold Ramis. Comedic GODS.Everyone has a bad day now and then I guess.Released in 1996 and running 117 minutes,its a 50/50 proposition at best.The story sounds great but is slow,very slow,and without any science or believability that it"could"happen at all,none.The only good thing is that the second half is FAR better that the first half of the film because by then Keaton has taken over the film and at times his performance rocks,BUT the problem is siting thru the FIRST half to see it.So a very tepid recommendation for Keaton fans only.Trailer URL follows the picture and a brief IMDB summary below.

A man who never has enough time for the things he wants to do is offered the opportunity to have himself duplicated.

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