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Thursday, April 18, 2013

TV Series - Jericho - 5 stars out of 5 stars

This series only ran 1 and 1/2 seasons and was a victim of the writers strike of 2007/08.
However in the 29 episodes that were filmed there was a sort of closing of loopholes ear leaving a storyline for the future.There are even rumors that "Netflicks"may order new exclusives episodes as part of their new exclusive programming,but that is still only a rumor.
The cast for this TV series fits well so its unfair to single anyone out but their great acting breath life into a strangely compelling story of love and survival in the midst of horror.Part of the realism of the love and survival is not to dwell visually on the horror of the nuking of 23 US cities on the same day,although the story never lets you forget it happened,yet the love and loyalty and just plain day to day coping is much more compelling drama.Some might think that a negative,like duck and cover,but I see its a positive of hope rather than despair.What I loved most was family and perseverance and believe it or not,TEXAS is the key to the future and a new civil war !!!So do yourself a BIG favor,check it out.Trailer URL follows the picture and a brief IMDB summary below.

A small town in Kansas is literally left in the dark after seeing a mushroom cloud over near-by Denver, Colorado. The townspeople struggle to find answers about the blast and solutions on how to survive.

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