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Friday, April 19, 2013

The Trouble with Bliss - 2 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

Brie Larson who plays Stephanie Jouseski is the reason I saw this film along with the casting of Michael C. Hall as Morris Bliss,and some of you will understand what I mean ( Dexter)That said, this 2011 film that runs 97 minutes is really not funny.The romance between Brie and Morris is not even that strange as it was 10 years ago.So I can only give a 50/50 and thats based on Ms.Larson who has a future as a comedic actress,REALLY !!
So again a film I recommend only for the casting in a sub par story.Trailer URL follows the picture and a IMDB summary is below.

A comedy/drama about 35-year-old Morris Bliss, who is clamped in the jaws of New York City inertia: he wants to travel but has no money; he needs a job but has no prospects; he still shares an apartment with his widowed father; and perhaps worst of all the premature death of his mother still lingers and has left him emotionally walled up. When he finds himself wrapped up in an awkward relationship with the sexually precocious, 18-year-old daughter of a former classmate, Morris quickly discovers his static life unraveling and opening up in ways that are long overdue. Written by Anonymous

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