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Tuesday, April 2, 2013

TV Series - The Day Of The Triffids -BBC 1981 - 4 stars out of 5 stars

After reviewing the 1962 movie I said that I would review this series.Now I promise to review the 2 part mini BBC 2009 series next.Released in 1981 and running only six episodes,this series is quite different in many ways,only the Triffids are the same,or are they?? See,in this series it show that the triffids were being "bread"for oil !!!!
However its hinted that they were originally found in Russia and well MAYBE they were biologically engineered and  even the comet/meteor shower was a radiation weapon gone astray !!!! There are not two shorelines,only one and its very,very dark and desperate.
I took 1 star off because it doesn't have a good technical feel,almost "Dr Who"in many ways,sadly.However the story is more compelling even than the movie.Hopefully the 2009 BBC second time around series is better done.There is no trailer just a opening sequence URL to post below the picture and a IMDB summary is below

 A terrible catastrophe has struck the population of Earth. Almost everyone on the planet has been rendered blind by the arrival of a bright comet and its debris lighting up the darkened skies, but the brightness has caused permanent eye damage. Bill Masen, who was unable to watch the spectacular but deadly free firework display, finds himself in a nightmarish world where he believes himself to be the only sighted person left. But soon he finds a soul-mate, Jo Pleyton, who can also see. As the days progress, they find more and more sighted people and together they make plans to build a future. But there is a problem. A walking, carnivorous plant called a "Triffid," which up until now was kept safely in paddocks and zoos, has broken free and has discovered a taste for rotting, human flesh. The remaining blind are helpless and many fall prey to the Triffids' lethal whipping sting, but can the sighted keep this fearful plant at bay? Written by Rhino <>

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