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Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Flash Gordon (1980) - 2 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

When I reviewed "Ted"on this blog I remarked about the references to this film by having a actor from it,become a main character in it.I also reviewed a film called"Flesh Gordon"which was a "adult"take off of it.Considering I also saw as a child,the old serials about Flash,I thought it was now time to revisit this 1980 version that runs 111 minutes.Well its 50/50 at best.The pros are what I already mentioned as its a iconic name in sci-fi.Also good was a fun campy cast and some music by Queen.Now the negatives.I wasn't buying the "camp"at all.I've seen much better.So,all in all,yours to see if you like Flash and think some camp is all good camp !!!!  Trailer URL follows the picture and a IMDB summary below.

In this update of the 1930s comic strip, Flash Gordon is a football hero who is skyjacked aboard Dr. Hans Zarkov's rocketship along with beautiful Dale Arden. The threesome are drawn into the influence of the planet Mongo, ruled by Emperor Ming the Merciless. Ming has been testing the Earth with unnatural disasters, and deeming it a threat to his rule, he plans to destroy it. He also intends to take Dale as his concubine. Flash must avoid the amorous attentions of Ming's daughter, and unite the warring kingdoms of Mongo to rescue Dale and save our world. Written by David Thiel <>

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