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Thursday, April 4, 2013

TV Series - The Day of the Triffids - 2009 - BBC - 4 stars out of 5 stars

All three adaptations are different although this second series is far more like the first YET far different as well.BBC ran it in 2009 as a two part mini series and while it does follow the first series,also BBC and which is reviewed on this blog as well as the movie,it differs in that it doesn't hint at the russians or a space weapon,no,it sticks to nature,in this case solar flare like particles but genetically triffids found in AFRICA !!!!!
It seems in this version  Bill Masen, played by Dougray Scott,parents found triffids in the 1970s in the jungles of Zaire Africa and while his mother was killed studying them,his father continued and altered them genetically for the oil in their "body"to use in place of fossil fuels.The sun particle display spiked at its climax blinding the viewers and allowing the Triffids to feed on mankind as the playing field now favored the carnivorous plants.While it is far better from production points of view,its story is a little uneven and "cheeky"at times,lacking the all the time depression of the first series. Thus its still 1 star off and the winner for me is still the movie.Still a good watch.Trailer URL follows the picture and a IMDB summary is below.

 It's an up-to-date setting of the 1951 sci-fi thriller. With the world blinded and the Triffids set loose, it falls upon a band of scattered, sighted survivors to fight this carnivorous plant invasion. With a brave new world of maniacs, warring factions and renegades, the battle on the streets is not only directed at the purple-headed organisms but a battle to survive the sinister street-army headed by megalomaniac Torrence. Written by Cinema_Fan

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