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Saturday, April 20, 2013

Django Unchained ( 2012) - 5 stars out of 5 stars

Shockingly now that I have seen this latest film by Quentin Tarantino I think it is even better than "Argo",so it is now my favorite film from last year.yes its violent and bloody and might anger some who wish to forget the past,but geez folks what did you really think slavery was all about?? Sure all the whites are bad in this film,even the German who frees Django is a cold blooded killer,but this is a story and the aim of most movies is to prove a point no matter the overkill. Tarantino was a fan of spegette westerns as well as asian martial films and back in 66 there was a spegette western called "Django"which I haven't seen BUT will soon because of this film.As good as Jamie Foxx is in the title role,this won a deserved academy award for Christoph Waltz as the German and fast becoming a staple of Tarantino films.The rest of the cast is also great but the violence is overwhelming and as such at times funny.NOT FOR KIDS AT ALL!!!Some cool music in the film as well.So see this 2012 release that runs 165 minutes only if you are not offend by blood that flows like the red river.Trailer URL follows the picture and a brief IMDB summary is below,as if you didn't already know.

With the help of a German bounty hunter, a freed slave sets out to rescue his wife from a brutal Mississippi plantation owner.

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